
Zipline remains closed: May reopen 1 of 5 lines

By José Antonio Pérez July 30, 2017.   Two weeks following an incident that left three people injured as a result, the zipline at “competition hill” on the way to La Cholla remains suspended, reports Civil Protection and Fire Department Director Francisco Javier Carrillo Ruiz.  He added, however, it is possible one of the five lines […]

Plaza Fabiola sale Aug 5th-12th!

PLAZA FABIOLA on Puerto Peñasco’s “Rodeo (Curios) Road” will be closed Sunday, August 13th thru Thursday, August 31st.  They’re going shopping in Guadalajara, San Miguel de Allende & Guanajuato, and will return with some great new Fall merchandise! To make room for the new items, they’re offering valued customers a limited time SUMMER SALE 20% […]

Registration open for 17th Rocky Point Rally

With just over 3 months to go before the 17th Annual Rocky Point Rally revs through town once more, registration has opened for rally goers to plan ahead by making donations early!  Oscar Palacio Soto, Rocky Point Rally founder and organizer, detailed the registration process is very important as all registration fees are part of […]

Some Hot (and cool) spots in Rocky Point for August

Together with phenomenal sunsets, spells of humidity, warming sea temperature, and lots ‘o fiesta, as we move through Summer in Rocky Point it’s also time for vacation where some of our favorite watering holes and dining spots take a break – or maybe even kick the AC into high gear!  So, as you’re planning an […]

Navy’s Summer 2017 Operation Lifeguard

By José Antonio Pérez. Launched July 15th, the Puerto Peñasco Naval Sector is implementing its Summer 2017 Operation Lifeguard through August 20th, in coordination with the Secretary of Tourism. “Operation Lifeguard” includes establishing sea and land patrol services along beaches, along with rescue and emergency sites to provide first aid as necessary. The Navy also […]

An evening with and for family of Julio Carlos Meza

An evening for Julio Carlos Meza & family @ MTZ Cantina  4 p.m – 8 p.m. Many in town are familiar with the mesmerizing works of world renowned shell-artist Julio Meza. This past Spring, his son Julio Carlos Meza Mendez (who actually just turned 38 earlier this month) suffered a stroke, so many in the […]

Lion’s Club Invites you to Hear

The Puerto Peñasco Lion’s Club will be holding a hearing-aid clinic for the hearing impaired on Saturday, August 12th, at the Lion’s Club offices (Niños Héroes and Juan Aldama, road east of Municipal DIF).  Specialists from Hermosillo will be on hand to see individuals 8 years and up with hearing impairments. The clinic itself will […]

House fire leads family to turn to community

On July 9th, an evening house fire caused a family to lose all their belongings, though no one was injured. The family is now turning to the community to ask for assistance through the donation of furniture, clothing, household goods, and particularly construction materials and paint in their effort to rebuild. Lilian Rivera, mother of […]

Familia que perdió todo en incendio requiere ayuda

Familia que perdió todas sus pertenencias en incendio requiere ayuda de la comunidad para donativos de muebles, ropa, enceres domésticos y cualquier tipo de apoyo. Después de que todos los muebles, los techos, ropa, artículos personales y documentos se perdieran en el incendio, Lilian Rivera la madre de familia perjudicada solicita apoyo de la comunidad […]

Little David undergoes successful open heart surgery

By José Antonio Pérez Following intense work by his family, and a series of intense steps aimed at never giving up, on Wednesday, July 12th, David Humberto Hernández Bojórquez, who has come to be known as “Little David” underwent open heart surgery in Cd. Obregón.  David’s mother, Elpidia Guadalupe Bojórquez Pérez, reported the surgery was […]