Sunday / Domingo
9:00 a.m. Church Services at Family of God Church (English) y 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Servicio diseñado mas para la comunidad mexicana (con traducción simultanea) Family of God Church* [More info below]
3:00 p.m. Dart Tournament @ Pink Cadillac in the Mirador Torneo de dardos todos los jueves y sábados apartir de las 3 p.m. @ Pink Cadillac
$7 US to get in tournament, drink specials for dart players and ALL the popcorn you can eat!
Tuesday / Martes![Puerto Peñasco | Rocky Point 360 cedo-620x298 Weekly Activities](/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/cedo-620x298.jpg)
9:30 a.m. Meetings for Overeaters Anonymous (in English) Tuesday mornings, 9:30 a.m. at the Passport Club 48 Ave. Campeche (next to Galindo’s cafe)
2:00 p.m. Free! Natural History Talks in English @ CEDO
4:00 p.m. Gratis! Plática de la Naturaleza @ CEDO en español
8:30 p.m. CineMartes (Cafe Puerto Viejo in the Old Port) Café Puerto Viejo may be found catty-corner to the church in the Old Port. Tuesday Films are FREE and begin at 8:30 p.m.(Times subject to change). Space is limited.
Wednesday / Miércoles
11:00 a.m. Horse Shoes in front of Pitaya, Mirador Beach Beginner and Pros are Welcome! $5 US to enter – prizes to 1st and 2nd!
Thursday / Jueves
3 p.m. Dart Tournament @ Pink Cadillac in the Mirador Torneo de dardos todos los jueves y sábados apartir de las 3 p.m. @ Pink Cadillac
$7 US to get in tournament, drink specials for dart players and ALL the popcorn you can eat!
4 p.m. Connection Club at The LightHouse on Whale Hill * Happy hour gathering to get know folks in Puerto Peñasco * Info: Sandy Spain: 388-0857 or Brenda Barden cell: 386-9197
Friday / Viernes
5:00 p.m. Alanon meeting (English) Passport AA Club next to Galindo’s Café Ave. Campeche 48 & Manuel Artista (Campeche is street heading toward Mirador past City Hall)
Saturday / Sábado
11:00 a.m. Horse Shoes at Firecracker Park in Cholla Bay Beginner and Pros are Welcome! $5 US to enter – prizes to 1st and 2nd!
2:00 p.m. Gratis! Plática de la Naturaleza @ CEDO en español
4:00 p.m. Free! Natural History Talks in English @ CEDO