
Earthquake response and tides. RockyPoint360 NewsWrap

Puerto Peñasco’s positive response at Collection Centers By José Antonio Pérez / Shandra Keesecker-Rivero With Collection Centers still in the process of gathering items to send to communities impacted by September earthquakes in different parts of Mexico, Puerto Peñasco residents and visitors are once again showing their solidarity by donating goods and funds to help […]

Puerto Peñasco Tech Institute (ITSPP) offers TOEFL Certification

By José Antonio Pérez As of Sept. 12th, the Superior Technological Institute of Puerto Peñasco (ITSPP) has become a “TOEFL Certifying Center”, following an agreement signed with the International Education Institute. The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is a tool used to evaluate English fluency, detailed ITSPP Foreign Language Coordinator Raquel Cibrián […]

Centros de Acopio en diversos puntos de la ciudad

Son varios los centros de acopio que se han instalado en Puerto Peñasco para reunir víveres  y alimentos que serán llevados a los damnificados por el sismo , se hace el llamado a la ciudadanía a  mostrar su solidaridad y apoyar a los más necesitados. En el mayor de los casos se requiere reunir artículos […]

¡El Gallo canta victoria!

Gran expectativa causó la presentación de la pelea en Carson, CA de Juan Francisco “El Gallo” Estrada vs. Carlos “El Príncipe” Cuadras, la noche del sábado, 9 de septiembre. Carlos y El gallo ya han sido campeones del mundo y el ganador, tendrá el pase directo a retar al actual campeón de la Categoria super […]

Chamber of Commerce launches 5th “Buy locally and we all win” Campaign

By José Antonio Pérez The local Chamber of Commerce (CANACO) seeks to repeat the success of the now annual “Buy Locally and we all Win” campaign, with sights set on a growth in sales at local businesses now through December, detailed CANACO President Elia Neyda Javalera Cháevez. The campaign, aimed at encouraging people to buy […]

El Gallito – Puerto Peñasco pride ready to fight Sept. 9th

Hometown and world champion boxer Juan Francisco “El Gallito” Estrada and Carlos “El Principe” Cuadras of Sinaloa are set to confront each other for the interim super flyweight title on September 9th just outside Los Angeles, CA.  The winner of the bout between El Gallito and El Principe, who are considered to be two of […]

How to Labor Day Weekend in Rocky Point!

Planning to catch some rays, live music, and possibly a little tequila induced dancing this Labor Day Weekend in Rocky Point?  Here are some top spots that have got you covered, plus most restaurants and watering holes are back from their own vacations and back on the job! Banditos Labor Day Weekend:  The Summer / […]

Incuban 66 huevos que depositó una tortuga golfina en área turística

Incuban 66 huevos que depositó una tortuga golfina  en el área turística  el pasado domingo en la madrugada para resguardarlos de la afluencia de personas , el calor y las mareas altas. Porque es más viable que lleguen a desarrollarse es que fueron incubados en áreas del complejo Mayan Palace los 66 huevos que deposito […]

December Trip to learn Spanish!

You know this is on your “bucket list!”  Experiencia Spanish Language School, with four campuses in Mexico, is organizing a language/cultural immersion trip in December, complete with two weeks at the Experiencia campus in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca (see map below), on the Pacific Ocean. The trip is open to anyone who wants to learn/improve their […]

Puerto Peñasco – escenario cinematográfico

En menos de dos meses Puerto Peñasco ha sido escenario para  dos filmaciones de películas de proyección internacional. Los paisajes únicos que combinan el mar, el desierto,  las dunas, y áreas volcánicas han sido un atractivo para que productoras cinematográficas le apuesten a rodar en este puerto que, además, es elegido por su ubicación geográfica cercana […]

Sonora Dolphinarium offering therapy sessions

By José Antonio Pérez Aug. 17, 2017.  The reopened Sonora Dolphinarium (Delfinario) located in San Carlos, Nuevo Guaymas provides educational programs, experiences and interactions with dolphins, plus therapy sessions. Luis Trujillo Aguayo of the Puerto Peñasco Municipal Council on Social Integration for Persons with Disabilities, as well as liaison with the Sonora Commission of Ecology […]