Readying for Whale watching season

The 2020-2021 whale watching season for the northern Gulf of California is officially from January 1st – April 30th, though whales tend to make their own schedule. Still, there have already been some sightings near our shores and local boat companies are getting ready for tours.

Whale watching in the northern Gulf of California has only officially been recognized for about 5 years, yet has become an important source of work for various sectors across the community of Puerto Peñasco.

In a press release, the Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans (CEDO) reported they were granted this season’s first whale watching permit in the region. This opportunity opens up new nature tourism endeavors, as well as for ongoing environmental research.

CEDO stresses the winter season attracts various species migrating to warmer sites, including whales. These giants of the sea are undoubtedly one of the favorite animals for Puerto Peñasco residents and visitors to spot, particularly while on a tour at sea!

Important information to keep in mind for whale watching:

  • Distance between whales an boats (100 meters for boats less than 10 meters long, and 120 meters for boats meters for boats longer than 10 meters)
  • Speed in observation area should be less than 2 knots or 4 km/hr
  • When approaching whales, this must be done in a diagonal line from the rear, advancing at a parallel
  • Maximum observation time: 30 minutes

CEDO highlights the Gulf of California is home to 30 species of cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises), representing 35% of the globe’s diversity!  This is yet another reason why this is considered to be a privileged spot to observe these incredible animals.



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