CMA blessings at Rocky Point Rally

The Christian Motorcyclists Association had a significant presence and impact during the 20th Anniversary Rocky Point Rally.  Members representing the Northwest Region of Mexico came to the Rally to talk with bikers, bless motorcycles and riders, as well as offer literature and water.

11 CMA blessings at Rocky Point Rally

CMA members were at the registration spot at Barclins, the Saturday Bike Show by City Hall, and again at Plaza a la Madre early on Sunday morning as bikers were leaving.  Their large banner invited bikers to stop and talk, one with the message: ¿Podemos Bendecir tu Moto?  (Can We Bless Your Motorcycle?), and another with a motto of the association: Estamos Aquí, si Nos Necesita (We Are Here if You Need Us). They estimate having blessed nearly 100 motorcycles, plus two bicycles and one wheelbarrow belonging to workers in Rocky Point.

The Christian Motorcyclists Association, founded in 1975, is a non-profit, international organization, dedicated to reaching people for Christ in the highways and byways through motorcycling.  Since its beginning, CMA had over 160,000 applicants for membership and over 1,380 chapters chartered in the United States, and is represented in over 40 other countries around the world, including Mexico.

CMA México members at the 20th Anniversary of the Rocky Point Rally included:  Ismael Contreras from Hermosillo, Marco Salcedo from Navajoa and Juan Manuel Martinez from Ensenada.  They invited Joe and Selena Keesecker, who are members of CMA Chapter “Valley of the Son Riders” in Phoenix, to join with them at the rally.

For more information about the Christian Motorcyclists Association:

16 CMA blessings at Rocky Point Rally



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