The Chili Cook-offs at Playa de Oro RV Park will continue to spice things up on Saturday, Jan. 19th, with expectations for up to 25 chili competitors. Cooking gets underway at 10 a.m., as well as the Swap Meet, and judging begins around 1 p.m. After a run by the chili stands today, the trick is to get there early (noonish) to get in on the red chili (meat and sauce, folks) masterpieces. Tasting cups are $3 US and are available at the entrance on the Pitahaya side of Playa de Oro. Then the chili extravaganza moves up the beach, with fiery and milder samples to taste as you walk along. Proceeds from the tasting cups, as well as funds raised from the “super venta de garage” (Swap Meet) are for the Santa Claus Club which is active in distributing food, clothing and toys within the community of Puerto Penasco throughout the year.
So, keep your chili taste buds fresh on Saturday!
Playa de Oro RV Park in the Mirador
Jan. 19th – 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. (or till the chili’s gone and champion chili named)
Judging begins at 1 p.m.
Tasting cups: $3.00 US