Expo Bacanora Puerto Peñasco 2014 ¡No te la pierdas!
Colaboradora Nina Mier Este sábado, 24 de mayo por primera vez en Puerto Peñasco se llevará a cabo la Expo Bacanora 2014. En exclusiva para Rocky Point 360 ayer en la noche entrevisté a tres de los organizadores de la misma: Martín Martínez, Eddie Wharez, Carmen Martens, quienes muy amablemente me facilitaron datos que no […]
Meteor Shower May 23
The Schuk Toak Visitors Center of the Pinacate Biosphere Reserve invites people out on May 23rd for a chance to catch view of the Camelopardalis Meteor Shower starting at 9 p.m.
Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction fundraiser
WHAT Join Barbo, Iva and Sandy, and we hope a lot of friends, for a pancake breakfast to benefit Esperanza para Nueva Vida Community Center in barrio San Rafael. Everyone is invited, bring your friends, your family, your neighbors, and your visitors!! Menu: pancakes,(regular and sugar-free syrup) scrambled eggs, coffee or tea for $6.00 or 75 […]
Mark Mulligan May 25!
Contributor Puerto Peñasco Convention and Visitors Bureau The trop-rock sounds of Mark Mulligan return to Puerto Peñasco on Sunday, May 25th. Mulligan’s soft strumming, hammock inducing, sink your toes into the sand tunes can be heard Sunday, May 25th Memorial Day Weekend in Rocky Point at Caribbean Parrot, Ave. Sinaloa on the way to the […]
Expo Bacanora 2014 May 24
Expo Bacanora 2014 Saturday, May 24th 5 p.m. – 9 p.m. Near the docks in the port What is bacanora? Sonora’s own Agave tradition. Read more here: Bacanora
Circus Mexicus 2014 promises to be All Rock!
We are just three weeks from Circus Mexicus 2014 which, in addition to the Southwest Americana sounds of Roger Clyne & the Peacemakers drifting over the sea, this year promises to be a full weekend “rock show” featuring world renowned guitarists. In looking specifically at the main events scheduled for Friday and Saturday nights, “For […]
Tequila 150 SADR May 17
Tequila 150 Race Information – Southern Arizona Desert Racing May 16, 2014 Friday Tech and Registration located across from the Fire Station down town Rocky Point from 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm Drivers meeting at Wrecked on the Reef at 8:30 pm Late Arrival bikes and quads can register at the finish line Saturday morning […]
One Club Open May 17
This Saturday, May 17th, when the tides are way out in Cholla Bay, plan to hit the flats for JJ’s bi-annual One Club Open. JJ’s Cantina provides golf clubs and balls, plus the hula-hoop “holes” out on the coastal flats. Come out for a Bloody Mary and stay for One Club. First tee-off is at […]
Cinemartes – Film Tuesdays
Each Tuesday, Cine Club Primera Toma, A.C. (First Take Film Club) presents “CineMartes” on the patio of Puerto Viejo Café in the Old Port. Screenings are free and begin around 8:30 p.m. Bring a beach chair for additional comfort. May 13 – Raging Bull (1980)
More Bikes – Less CO2 – Cycling around Peñasco May 11
Sunday May 11 sign up at Plaza la Madre starting at 4 p.m., departs at 5 p.m. Come on out for an evening ride! Participa en el Paseo Ciclista Puerto Peñasco 2014 “Más bicicletas menos CO2”, organizado por los alumnos del VIII Semestre matutino de la Licenciatura en Administración del Instituto Tecnológico, este próximo 11 […]
CEDO Environmental film night May 8
The first Thursday of each month is environmental film night at the Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans (CEDO). This Thursday, May 8, the free film begins at 7 p.m. at the CEDO Field Station in Las Conchas with popcorn and refreshments available for just 10 pesos! Catch an environmental flick each […]
SADR will run Night Race in August
Southern Arizona Desert Racing to present Midnight Wreck Off-Road Race in late August, includes 4 laps on Friday night and 4 laps on Saturday night run in the opposite direction. It will be a 24 mile course from Sandy Beach to Cholla Bay. Information: SADR