Another way to help Amores de Peñasco
Contributor: Kathleen Duncan I have been offered the opportunity to partner with the North Phoenix Kiwanis Club in a way that the [Amores de Peñasco Children’s Crisis Shelter] will be able to benefit, due to their status as a Qualified Tax Credit Charity in AZ (formerly AZ working poor charity). This will enable AZ taxpayers […]
Update on Possible Closure of Lukeville Post Office
As you may have heard, GASTRAK is asking for an unreasonable rent increase that is causing the USPO to consider whether this location should be closed. If the increased rent does not conform to the budget constraints of the USPO, they may have no choice but to close. Many of you contacted the USPO, but […]
CineMartes – Tuesday Art Film Sept. 23
Cine Club Primera Toma, A.C. presents CineMartes Sept. 23 Take Shelter (Dir. Jeff Nichols. U.S., 2011) 8:30 p.m. on the patio at Puerto Viejo (across from Thrifty)
Chamber of Commerce collection site for Los Cabos
The Puerto Peñasco Chamber of Commerce has created a collection site for our friends in Los Cabos, Baja California Los Cabos is currently facing a never before seen situation following the impact of Hurricane Odile, which while it did not cause fatalities has taken an enormous toll on the population. The local Chamber of Commerce […]
Aaron Beavers – Acoustic – Sept. 27
Aaron Beavers of the Austin, TX based band SHURMAN is no stranger to Puerto Peñasco as the whole band has been part of RCPM’s June Circus Mexicus on more than one occasion. On September 27th, Aaron is breaking out his solo acoustic and will be taking the stage at 5 p.m. at Beach Bum in […]
Mayoral Address – September 16th
On September 16th, Mexican Independence Day, Puerto Peñasco Mayor Figueroa will present his annual State of the City Address – first at noon to representatives from the State Government and invited guests, then at 7 p.m. at the intersection of Blvd. Juarez and Calle 13 (weather permitting).
Cinemartes – Tuesday Art Film Sept. 16
Café Puerto Viejo in coordination with Cine Club Primera Toma, A.C. present CineMartes LVII – Sept. 16 – 8:30 p.m. My Blueberry Nights