UWOCG prepares for 2014

uwocg-620x465 UWOCG prepares for 2014This local community group of women (US, Mexican, and beyond) gets together the 2nd Tuesday of each month to share uncommon common experiences…shared up with a plate of fun, drinks, local information, and frequent fundraising for  charitable organizations!

Tardeada social entre mujeres de la comunidad (tanto Mexicano como del extranjero) que se reune el 2do martes de cada mes en diferentes lugares. Evento de enero 2014: 5:30 p.m.  Beach Bum en el Malecón  (plática por parte de Bianey Montenegro referente a cambios en las leyes fiscales, de negocios, e inmigración)  Favor de confirmar su presencia: penascowomen@gmail.com   Costos especiales en comida y bebidas

January 2014 event

Learn about Mexico’s changing business, tax & immigration laws for 2014 and how these changes may affect your business in Mexico

A Brief Overview by Bianey Montenegro of Sun Valley Business & Immigration Service*

Uncommon Women on Common Ground
5:30  at Beach Bum on the Malecon
PLEASE RSVP TO: penascowomen@gmail.com




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