Thunder on the Beach 150!

RP-150-620x317 Thunder on the Beach 150!

From afar they sounded like mosquitoes, while up close the motors could be heard and you could sense the adrenaline and speed.  Thunder on the Beach 150 made its presence known this past weekend across a circuit between Sandy Beach and Cholla Bay, with ATVs, buggies, pick-ups, and motorbikes competing, sending sand everywhere and making the track look as if it were in flames.  It was an extensive and challenging course, across which cars jumped, sped up and spun. It was an amazing spectacle, and done through the collaboration of organizers and authorities to ensure there were no accidents.

Various spectators, either from the comfort of their own cars or with beach chairs set up – along with drinks and snacks, parked in various spots along the way to see the meteor-like flashes go by. They let themselves be swept away by the thrills that unconsciously arise from this sport. There were also those moved from spot to spot, to ensure a better view…as well as some good pics! Be sure to check out the gallery from the 1st Thunder on the Beach 150!!

For more information on upcoming Thunder on the Beach events:

De Arizona Off-Road promotions para Peñasco

De lejos sonaban como mosquitos, de cerca se escuchaba el motor, se sentía la adrenalina y la velocidad. El Thunder on the Beach 150 se hizo notar en el circuito entre Sandy Beach y Cholla bay donde UTV´s, buggies, Camionetas y motos compitieron, levantando arena haciendo parecer que la pista estaba en llamas. Un circuito extenso y dificil, donde los carros brincaban, aceleraban y giraban. Todo un espectáculo, que la colaboriación de los organizadores y  autoirdades, aseguraron para que no hubiera incidentes.

Varios espectadores se estacionaron en diferentes puntos para ver pasar a estos bólidos, ya sea cómodamente dentro de sus autos o en sillas playeras acompañados de bebidas y botanas, se dejaban llevar por la emoción que inconcientemente genera este deporte.   Hubo quienes tambien cambiaban de locación para asegurarse una mejor vista , asi como unas buenas fotos.  Chequen la galería de fotos!



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