Spring Break surpasses expectations prior to Semana Santa

Spring Break 2022 in Rocky Point topped expectations with a reported 135,000 visitors over the two-week span.  The local Convention and Visitors Bureau (OCV) determined this represents economic revenue of over 150 million pesos across the city.

ocv-spring-break Spring Break surpasses expectations prior to Semana Santa

OCV Director Lizette Ibarra noted, “We are catalogued as a safepoint destination, which garners confidence among our California and Arizona visitors. Given our proximity to the U.S., more and more people are visiting and enjoying all the virtues Rocky Point has to offer, ranging from its certified and warm clean beaches to all types of beach activities, the Pinacate biosphere reserve, food, and fun. This has truly been an important aspect to the growth we’ve seen after the area’s revival, though we’re still within the pandemic and continue to keep our guard up.”

Spring Break in Rocky Point generally draws university students and families from across the southwestern part of the U.S. Semana Santa (Holy Week), on the other hand, tends to see an increased number of people from the Mexican states of Sonora, Baja California, and Chihuahua.

A projected 110,00 visitors are expected in Rocky Point over Semana Santa (Holy Week) – with the busiest days being Thursday thru Easter (April 14-17). Add to that the number of people staying with family and friends, or those that camp on the beach.

RockyPoint360 staff: José Antonio Perez, Shandra Keesecker



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