RP Bomberos Summer Hydration

Summer hydration call!

Let’s keep our local firefighters hydrated! Please consider donating Gatorade, electrolytes (lime/lemon), water, etc. to help the Departamento De Bomberos Puerto Peñasco throughout the intense heat of the summer. Drop off at central Fire Department on Blvd. Fremont. GRACIAS!  *Additional hydration donations welcome at the local Red Cross – also on Blvd. Fremont

bomberos-logo-penasco RP Bomberos Summer Hydration

Civil Protection and Fire Department Director Alan Ontiveros Lopez indicates the intense sun and summer heat, along with other extenuating factors, have led to an increase in the number of fire incidents across Rocky Point. He stressed checking and maintenance of propane and electric installations in homes, as well as patio clean-up.

Ontiveros Lopez detailed the department is currently responding to an average of 10 fires weekly, meaning firefighters are suiting up fully in the intense heat. These factors increase the need to ensure firefighters are well hydrated particularly through the summer. While there presently have not been any serious cases of dehydration among the local Fire Department, the director of Civil Protection emphasizes this what precisely what they’d like to prevent.

While there has been an increase in fires and other emergencies recently, none of these have been fatal yet have caused severe material losses.

For more information, please contact:  Departamento de Bomberos Puerto Peñasco   638-383-2828   rojos911@hotmail.com



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