Road and Railroad crossing repairs in Rocky Point

Following recent requests of the local administration, the company FERROMEX (Mexico Railways) has been working on renovating various railroad crossings impacted by the end of the year rains.

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Current railroad crossing efforts were to focus on two of the spots most profoundly impacted by the New Year’s eve storm: Blvd. Samuel Ocaña and Derecho de Vía, and Calle 13 and Derecho de Vía.

Work at these two central crossings is expected to conclude by Monday, January 17th.

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Pot hole repairs

 Work on the railroad crossings by FERROMEX, indicated Mayor Jorge Pivac Carrillo, adds to efforts of his administration to address some of the streets most severely affected by the recent rains.  This work entails ongoing road grading and clean-up, as well as repairing pot holes in particularly high-traffic areas, among other actions.

Of particular note, watch for ongoing road repair (pot holes) along both sides of the stretch on Blvd. Kino between Municipal Collections and Ave. Sinaloa.

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