
Late August rain impacts parts of Rocky Point

Por Azucena Mazón The surprising early morning rain of Aug. 29th, brought on by effects of Tropical Storm Juliette just off Cabo San Lucas, lasted nearly an hour and left many families and children overjoyed with a rarely seen rainstorm for the area. Yet, it also caused damage to some homes, busy intersections, and city […]

Plans to produce wind energy in Puerto Peñasco

By Azucena Mazón Puerto Peñasco is looking to generate green energy through the installation of a wind turbine, set to benefit 10,500 families in central Sonora. Construction of the wind turbine, which would generate green energy given winds in the area, comes at a cost of 50 million pesos, negotiated by Federal Representative Antonio Astiazarán. […]

La Academia de Música de Puerto Peñasco abre inscripciones

¡Se aproximan clases! Comunicado La Academia de Música de Puerto Peñasco, informa a niños, jóvenes o adultos que tengan el interés de estudiar clases de violín, viola, contrabajo, cello, flauta, saxofón, tuba, clarinete o percusiones, se inscriban a los cursos a partir del 26 al 30 de Agosto, en instalaciones donde se impartirán las clases: […]

Puerto Peñasco presents signs of economic recovery

By Azucena Mazón From being a municipality with 0% unemployment in 2004-2006, Puerto Peñasco hit bottom at the end of 2009 with a high unemployment index due to the global economic crisis, which affected the U.S. and therefore Mexico in particular. Today, Puerto Peñasco is showing signs of recovery as the second municipality in Sonora […]

Sonora is still in style: Increase in summer tourism

State Press Release According to information from the State Commission for the Promotion of Tourism (COFETUR), more than 1.6 million visited Sonora over the recent vacation period. Sonora continues to be fashionable, proof of which can be seen in the influx of 1.644 million tourists to the state during the 2013 summer vacation period, recently […]

DIF in Puerto Peñasco: Scholarships, training courses, and more

By Shandra Keesecker-Rivero [with excerpts from press releases] The local office on Integral Family Development (DIF) is a governmental office that works to address various community needs. Nationally, the DIF is presided over by Mexico’s First Lady while at a State level Sonora’s First Lady holds this position. Locally, Peñasco’s First Lady Rafaela Félix de […]

Puerto Peñasco City Council approves new property values

Document establishes reductions in certain areas Press Release The Puerto Peñasco City Council, meeting in full session on Aug. 14, 2013, unanimously approved the 2014 Property Assessment Value Chart which takes into consideration important reductions to current values in some parts of the municipality. During this sixteenth extraordinary session of the City Council, the government […]

Local DIF providing meals to seniors

Press Release The Puerto Peñasco office on Integral Family Development (DIF), headed up by Peñasco’s First Lady Rafaela Félix de Figueroa, is providing daily meals to at least 20 older adults who are either dealing with illness or disabilities and who are completely alone. Edelmira Burgos Cuadras, director of the Older Adult Meal Program, explains […]

25 Puerto Peñasco companies complete “Moderniza” program

By Shandra Keesecker-Rivero From eco-adventure to resorts, fish packing plants to hairstylists, reservation agencies to immigration consultants, each of these has an important role to play within the larger backdrop of tourism in Puerto Peñasco.  With both foreign and national tourism serving as a strong economic pillar of Puerto Peñasco, local companies are constantly striving […]

Are you enrolled in STEP?

The recent worldwide U.S. travel alert provides helpful pointers for all U.S. travelers abroad. Here are a couple of excerpts as sent by the U.S. Consul in Nogales [Information on STEP can also be found under the Emergency  #s section on our site]: “We recommend U.S. citizens register their travel plans with the Consular Section […]

Inscripciones en el ITSPP hasta el 9 de agosto

De regreso a las actividades después del receso laboral, continúan las inscripciones para alumnos de nuevo ingreso en el Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Puerto Peñasco hasta el 09 de agosto de 2013. Estamos para atenderte de lunes a viernes de 8 de la mañana a 3 de la tarde en el Departamento de Servicios Escolares […]

CANACO continues to urge people to shop locally!

After initially launching the “If we shop in Peñasco, we all win” project in early July, about three weeks later the local chapter of the National Chamber of Commerce (CANACO) presented an update on activities. The project, which aims to promote buying locally while boosting hometown businesses, will run through Oct. 11th. During this time, […]

Baseball tiburones de puerto peñasco

Tiburones crowned 2013 Champs in dramatic season ending

By Shandra Keesecker-Rivero Ticket lines outside the Francisco León García baseball stadium in Puerto Peñasco began to form early on Sunday, July 28th, in anticipation of Game 7 of the Liga Norte de Sonora’s championship duel between the Tiburones of Puerto Peñasco and Rojos of Caborca. In a must win situation just the night before, […]

Puerto Peñasco eager for “Clean Beach” certification

“Clean Beach Committee” to promote goal of Puerto Peñasco being first in Sonora to achieve clean beach certification By Azucena Mazón Though according to periodic monitoring the city’s beaches are clean, there is a need to begin the paperwork process and enter the “Clean Beach” program in order to ensure certification, recently remarked Ulises Cristópulos […]