New Press Association in Puerto Peñasco

Members of the new Puerto Peñasco press association, Comunicadores de Puerto Peñasco, A.C., recently held their swearing in ceremony. The group has been formed as a manner to strengthen professionalism within the field, and to provide a common front.

Twenty-seven members were sworn in as part of Peñasco’s first press association, which is presided over by Delia Nuñez Bernal. The association itself is made up of journalists, reporters, radio hosts, directors of information sites within the city, as well as news announcers.

The swearing in ceremony included the presence of Luis Alberto Medina, Director of Proyecto Puente, as the group’s “padrino”.  In his message, he invited those in the realm of communication to continue to bring professionalism to the field while working on providing communication with truth and responsibility and leaving judgments aside.

He stressed the importance and current impact of social networks in providing immediate management of information, as well as the ease with which citizens become informers by solely capturing images on their cell phones, hence the need for the field of journalism to constantly progress.

Accompanying the Comunicadores de Puerto Peñasco at the ceremony were representatives from diverse associations in Puerto Peñasco, as well as from the Naval Sector, the municipal administrations of Puerto Peñasco and San Luis as well as from the State Congress.

The Comunicadores de Puerto Peñasco, A.C. will be governed by clauses, with obligations and rights set forth in Articles of Incorporation to ensure its proper function.



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