Turtle eggs along Sandy Beach moved to incubation

Sixty six eggs laid by an olive ridley sea turtle along Sandy Beach in the early dawn of Sunday, August 27th, have been put in incubation to help safeguard them against the high flow of visitors to the area, as well as from the high end of summer temps.

As it is more feasible for the turtle eggs to develop while in incubation, the 66 eggs were taken to a biology center located at Mayan Palace following approval of the Federal Environmental Protection Office (PROFEPA), .

On this occasion, the olive ridley sea turtle, which is considered to a vulnerable species, chose in front of the Sonoran Sun complex to lay her eggs at about 4 a.m. on Sunday.  Security staff notified the local police as well as personnel of the Federal Maritime Land Zone (ZOFEMAT), and members of the Clean Beach Committee, who went about creating a safety periphery around the area in following protocol in caring for sea turtle nests.  On Monday, the eggs were removed from the nest by biologist Itzel Carolina Cardenas, authorized by PROFEPA, in order to take them to a more adequate and less risky space where they can be monitored for the 46 – 60 days of embryo development.

It’s worth noting, just last week another olive ridley made its way to Sandy  Beach during the middle of the day to lay her eggs. While able to begin digging the hole for the nest, the presence of curious spectators and those sent to safeguard the turtle hindered the egg laying process.

Photos courtesy of Marcia Ortega, Clean Beach Committee



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