Intense high tide batters sea walls in Las Conchas!

The season marking the year’s highest tides in Puerto Peñasco gushed in and up over seawalls on August 20th. The month’s highest tides, combined with winds coming from hurricane Genevieve well to the Southwest, created tremendous waves and shook many of the seawalls lining the coast in front of homes in the area known as Las Conchas.

The extraordinary strength of the sea could be spotted in various points along the coastline, with waves splashing up to heights rarely seen.  Unfortunately, and really since 2017, the encroaching high tide season has impacted various properties that haven’t been able to withstand the onslaught, collapsing seawalls, letting the sea flow in, eroding land, and causing severe damage to surface structures including terrace walls, walkways, and stairs leading to the beach.

Several beach front homeowners are now faced with tremendous work, with exactly one month to prepare for the high tides of September, followed by October, which are forecast to be 15% more intense.

The best recommendation we can share is to consult with a professional who specializes in structures. The complexity of the situation, along with implicit costs, is very serious and particularly to guarantee the safety of the home that represents a significant investment.

The high tides lashing at the seawalls tend to spark controversy as there are those who ask why the homes can be built so close to the sea. It is worth noting in nearly 20 years of working along these beaches, I can assure you there has been ongoing erosion that has led to nearly the loss of the main dune in the area of Las Conchas.  The sea and the tides continue to make their way closer to homes previously situated in safe spots.



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