Essential activities open in Peñasco during Covid-19

Essential activities to remain operating (as of April 3, 2020 Press Release):

  1. Emergency Health Activities:  Medical realm, paramedics, and administrative;  help to health sector, both within public and private field.
  2. Public Safety and protection activities:  Defense of national integrity and sovereignty; procuring and dispensing justice; Federal and State legislative activities
  3. Activities essential to fundamental function of economy: financial sector; tax collecting institution (SAT and all its operations); distribution and sale of fuel, gas stations and LP; generation and distribution of drinking water; food and non-alcoholic beverage industry; food markets; super markets; convenience stores; groceries and sale of prepared food; passenger and freight transportation services; agricultural production, fishing and livestock; agro-industry; chemical industry; cleaning products; hardware stores; delivery services; guards and private security work; childcare and nurseries; homes for the elderly; shelters or centers for women and children of domestic violence; telecommunications and media; private emergency services, funeral and burial services; storage and refrigeration of essential products; logistics (airports, ports, and railroads); and activities that suspension of which could have irreversible impact on their continuance; hotels
  4. Government Social Programs
  5. Conserving and maintaining critical infrastructure: distribution and service of potable drinking water, electricity, gas, fuel, gasoline, jet fuel, basic sanitation, public transportation, first level hospital and medical infrastructure
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