Convocatoria para Programa de Desarrollo Cultural Municipal 2014-15
ISC firma convenios con 20 municipios de Sonora que participan en el Programa de Desarrollo Cultural Municipal The Sonoran Institute of Culture (ISC) has signed agreements with 20 municipalities across Sonora who participate in the yearly Municipal Cultural Development Program. This yearly program provides cultural grants to individuals and groups for the development and promotion […]
8th Caminos de Kino Hike
The City of Puerto Peñasco, through the Office on Citizens’ Affairs along with the Pinacate and Grand Desert of Altar Biosphere Reserve, extend an invitation to the 8th hike “Por los Caminos de Kino” – in honor of Padre Kino’s exploration of the area. March 29 – 30, 2014 * Camping is optional March 29 […]
Ruta del Rio Sonora March 15 – 17
This weekend, March 15th – 17th, the City Office on Social Connection (Vinculación Social) is offering a cultural trip along the Rio Sonora Route. The trip, which leaves Plaza del Camarón early on Saturday morning includes a visit to the Regional History Museum in Ures, optional mass at Templo de San Miguel Arcangel, and a […]
CEDO NaturArte Tours – March!
Contact CEDO NaturArte to reserve a spot on their upcoming tours. Reservations can be made by phone at (520) 320-5473 in the U.S. or 011-526-38-382-0113, or 0115, in Mexico, or by email at info@cedointercultural.org. Reservations should be made at least two days prior to the event.
“Flea Market” at American Legion March 8
American Legion Post MX 15, located in the Mirador area, will be holding a grand “flea market” style Yard Sale on Saturday, March 8th. Ardi Harris, Associate Commander of MX 15, explains any and everyone is invited to put up a stand. She adds that artists are also welcome. Spaces are available at no cost, […]
CEDO Environmental Film night! March 6th!
March Environmental Film night is dedicated to WHALES. 7 p.m. Informative talk about whales in the Gulf of California 7:30 p.m. Documentary CEDO presents environmental films every first Thursday of the month. Free entry. Purchase of popcorn and soft drinks available.
Southern Arizona Desert Racing – Rocky Point schedule 2014
More information: Southern Arizona Desert Racing
DIF to present “La Señora Presidenta” 5 de marzo
Actor Gonzalo Vega comes to Puerto Peñasco with the comedy “La Señora Presidenta”, with two functions on March 5th at the Municipal Auditorium. Proceeds from the event will go to equipment fundraising needs of the Dialysis Center. The first function is at 7 p.m., and the second at 9:30 p.m. Tickets are 350 pesos / […]
2014 Peninsula Member Weekend March 22 – 23
2014 AGA MEMBER WEEKEND Peninsula Golf Course March 22-23 36 hole 4 man shamble $145 US Info: golfpuertopenasco@grupovidanta.com or call (638) 383 0443. Friday practice round is optional $25 cart fee only Entry Fee: $145 USD includes: Saturday March 22nd 7:30 am Player Registration at Driving Range. Breakfast available ($10 USD Combo includes: Burrito, Pastry, […]
Mark Mulligan’s Trop Rock 2/16!
Sunday, February 16th , The Caribbean Parrot Restaurant and Bar is hosting the Mark Mulligan Concert with music from Jesse Gerardo starting at 4 p.m. The $10.00 admission fee provides a donation for the construction/completion fund for the Buen Samaritano Church in San Rafael with Pastor Edgar Cabrera. You can make reservations at Caribbean Parrot […]