
Lanzamiento del 20° Certamen Ambiental CEDO

“Pescando para el Futuro: el Ecosistema es la Clave” Por: Paloma Valdivia, Coordinadora del Programa de Educación Ambiental de CEDO El Centro Intercultural de Estudios de Desiertos y Océanos (CEDO) en colaboración con el Zoológico de San Diego, invitan a todas las secundarias y bachilleratos de las comunidades costeras del norte del Golfo de California […]

Local Architect Association proudly represents Puerto Peñasco

The licensed Architect Associations of Sonora held their first annual assembly January 22nd in Hermosillo, where they were welcomed by that city’s architectural association. For the first time in years, the assembly brought together all of the associations of the State Federation (FECAES). This included architects from San Luis Rio Colorado, Nogales, Agua Prieta, Hermosillo, […]

Puerto Peñasco es un lugar seguro para visitar e invertir

“Es Puerto Peñasco un lugar seguro para visitar e invertir,” aseguró el Ray Carroll Supervisor del Distrito 4 del Condado de Pima. En su visita a Peñasco, Ray Carroll aseguró no estar de acuerdo con las alertas que se han emitido desde el gobierno de Estados Unidos donde aseguran que es “riesgoso” visitar México. Contrario […]

Rocky Point is Home of the Friendly Sea

Contributor:  Sarina Brown You may be at home wondering what are the people up to in Rocky Point on a Saturday afternoon in the middle of January? We are out walking, wading, playing and even swimming on this gorgeous January afternoon. When the sun is shining the water feels good even in the middle of […]

Tianguis Cultural offers space for art expressions

By: Azucena Mazón & Shandra Keesecker-Rivero The launch of the Tianguis Cultural Fair in Plaza Colosio this past weekend means there’s a new spot to share art and watch artists in action on the malecón.  (Tianguis [pronounced “tee-YAN-geese”] is similar to a bazaar or market) With the goal of promoting artists by offering a space […]

2016 North American Hobie Championship in Puerto Peñasco!

2016 North American Hobie Class Association Sailing Championships The 2016 North American Hobie Class Association Championships have been awarded to the Arizona Hobie fleets – Fleet 514 in Tucson and Fleet 66 in Phoenix, and sailors from all over North America, from Guatemala to Puerto Rico to Canada will compete in this sanctioned international five […]

2016 Discounts on Property Taxes

Take advantage of discounts offered by the City Treasury, pay your 2016 taxes, and win!! Discounts of 20% for those who pay in January, 15% for payments in February, and 10% in March. Applicable only for those who are current with payments and have no outstanding property tax debts. Plus, don’t miss out on the […]

Christmas Tree Collection

The City of Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, via the Office of Ecology and Sustainable Development, has established a collection site to receive Christmas trees from Jan. 7 – 22, 2016 in an effort to raise community awareness as to the purchase, use, and disposal of your holiday trees and to prevent disposal of trees on public […]

Buen Viaje don Jorge Pivac Grgich

This year, Puerto Peñasco said goodbye to don Jorge Pivac, one of the founders and early business leaders who breathed live into the local fishing sector as well as into industry across the city. After battling with an illness that had afflicted him for years, don Jorge Pivac Grgich began his final journey on November […]

Pinacate amaneció coronado con nevada

En un hecho poco común la mañana de este martes el volcán del Pinacate amaneció coronado con nevada. Curiosidad y conmoción causaron las primeras imágenes que se dejaron ver en redes sociales del cerro del Pinacate que amanecio coronado con nieve, lo que a su vez origino un incremento de visitantes a la biosfera del […]

Preparan últimos detalles para la Gala de Opera Invierno 2015

Preparan últimos detalles para la Gala de Opera Invierno 2015 que se llevará a cabo el próximo 30 de diciembre en el auditorio Cívico Municipal de Puerto Peñasco. La soprano Rocío Olalde, el tenor tabasqueño Héctor Palacio, y la pianista rusa Inna Leytush se encuentran ensayando las piezas y acompañamiento para la presentación de la […]

The 12 book challenge in 2016!

The local library situated next to Puerto Peñasco’s Casa de la Cultura (and behind a nearly finished Municipal Arts Center) is issuing a call in 2016 to take on the challenge of reading at least one book a month – “Reto 12.” To help meet this challenge, in 2016 the Municipal library will be open […]

CEDO helps CETMAR students participate in National Science & Sea Technology Congress

By: Angeles Sánchez and Hiram Peña, Elizabeth García, Ramón Robles and Enrique Robles Students Carlos Enrique Robles Torres and Carlos Ramón Robles Torres, both 5th semester students at the CETMAR #14 technological high-school and each focusing on industrial food production and aquatic recreation respectively, received support from the Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts […]

Dialysis Clinic expected to open early 2016

We recently received questions at regarding the city’s first Dialysis clinic, which included  those below: When will the dialysis clinic open?  What is the cost for older patients?  Do they accept insurance (Seguro Popular)? While we do not have concrete answers for all of these, we decided to sit down with Rafaela Félix, President […]