Dredging work on Puerto Peñasco’s wharf

Work to dredge Puerto Peñasco’s wharf has restarted, following about half a year during which time resolutions were reached as to where to deposit the waste material. The goal of the dredging process is to remove waste that hinders movement in the boat navigational channel.

Investment in the project totals 20 million pesos, with resources from the Natural Disasters Fund, promoted by the then Senator (and now Sonora Governor) Claudia Pavlovich.

Puerto Peñasco Public Projects Director, Terencio Gutiérrez, explains the work consists of using a pipe to suction fuel residue and sand from the sea bottom in the wharf exit channel. This waste will be deposited onto two areas of land opened to the city, first near the “Bajada de los Guardados” and then on a piece of land on the way toward Las Conchas.

The navigational channel will be clean following this process, facilitating the entry and exit of boats while preventing mishaps or the possibility of boats coming aground.  The dredging project is expected to take six weeks, and extracted waste will be used to compact the soil.

dragados-feb2016-1-1200x800 Dredging work on Puerto Peñasco’s wharf



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