Whale carcass washes up on Las Conchas shore

By José Antonio Pérez

Luis César García González, Coordinator for the Federal Maritime & Land zone (ZOFEMAT), reported local authorities were notified recently of an approximately 15 meter long whale carcass that had washed up onto the shores of Las Conchas near the section of Las Olas 2.

The whale had obviously been deceased for several days and was in an advanced state of decomposition, which is why the Environmental Protection Agency (PROFEPA) was immediately called in to avoid any disturbance or risk to public health.  The agency decided the best way to dispose of the whale was to remove it from the beach and bury it in a remote area.

García Gonzalez communicated all actions coordinated by PROFEPA aim to determine and record the cause of death of different animals in contributing to the preservation of their populations.

According to information provided by PROFEPA, the Upper Gulf of California has a registered presence of at least 17 sea mammals subject to special protection under Mexican Official Norm  NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010: 10 species of whales, 4 species of dolphins, 1 species of sea lions, and 1 species of beaked whale, and the Vaquita Marina.



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