
Fantasy rock art

By Wendy Fregozo I always observed the support Sarimar received from her parents, before even meeting her. She went to the same school as my daughters, and both her parents were always present at each of her events. Later, I signed up for a sculpture workshop led by Roberto Ledesma and was surprised to see […]

Meet the Artisans: Artesanos en Movimiento

As temperatures warm, the bi-monthly Mermaid’s Arts Market is getting ready to wrap up their outdoor season at Shrimp Park on Saturday, May 17th. The Mermaids are set to move indoors for a show on June 7 and again around Labor Day, both to be held in the lobby of Sonoran Spa. Yet, three frequent […]


Por Wendy Fregozo Un sábado por la tarde, recordé que Jesu me había dicho que ella tenía cosas del mar, que necesito para hacer mis velas. Y como andábamos cerca de su casa aproveche para llegar. Nunca imaginé lo que me esperaba. Conocí su taller donde ella y su esposo, Gabriel, elaboran sus artesanías de […]

Meet the artisans: Jesu and Gabriel

By Wendy Fregozo (Text and photos) One Saturday afternoon, I remembered that Jesusa Ivonne (“Jesu” as we call her) had mentioned she had some items from the sea that I need when making my candles. Being near her house, I took the opportunity to stop by. I never imagined what I would find. I found […]

Local Artisan Art Expo by Shrimp Plaza

Many local artisans, who at other times of the year may be found strolling up and down the city’s beaches with their wares, or in shops along Calle 32 “Rodeo Drive” on the former road to Cholla Bay, have set up an Art Expo on the fringe of Shrimp Plaza near City Hall. The small […]