Red Carpet night for students from Puerto Peñasco’s First Film Workshop

cine-muestra-junio10-298x653 Red Carpet night for students from Puerto Peñasco's First Film Workshop¿Qué se puede decir que no se haya ya dicho?

Hay toda una cascada de comentarios y fotos en las redes sociales revelando el éxito de la noche de la Premiere del Primer Taller de Cine. Vagando entre admiraciones, buenos deseos, gratitudes, cambios de fotos de portada, el compartir de fotos, y demás comentarios alegres, el que no pudo asistir a la gran Premiere se puede formar una idea del gran evento que se perdió. Un evento Cultural cinematográfico que permeó por todas las esferas sociales rocaportenses; estudiantes, trabajadores, diseñadores, abuelos, niños empresarios, cantantes, directores, etcétera.

Se notó el esfuerzo y entusiasmo absoluto por hacer de este evento “La Alfombra Roja de Peñasco”, donde se exhibieron los cortos con los que se graduaron los participantes del Primer Taller de Cine en el Auditorio Cívico Municipal y donde se lucieron todos y cada uno de los participantes, que con gran emoción, entre risas y “poses para la foto” se adueñaron de la noche contagiando con ese sentimiento optimista y juvenil a todos los asistentes.

Con esto en mente, hubo varios premios y reconocimientos a todos los que sobresalieron en su trabajo, sin embargo la sorpresa de la noche fue el multipremiado corto “Un toque de vida” del equipo de Azucena (Susy) Mazón, que se llevó 5 reconocimientos, aparte del de mejor corto de la muestra.

Son evidentes las intenciones del Cineclub Primera Toma y de todos los patrocinadores el de hacer sentir a todos importantes y talentosos, pero sobretodo de que esa noche no se perdiera y fuera solo una noche más, sino que se iniciara una tradición de desperar de su letargo al artista que todos llevan dentro.

What can be said that has not already been expressed?

Waking up on Monday, following the “red carpet” premiere film night for Puerto Peñasco’s First Film Workshop, there are cascades of comments and photos across social networks pointing to the success of last night’s event. These roam the gamut from admiration, good wishes, gratitude, new profile pics, sharing of photos, and other joyful comments; for those who could not attend the student Premiere you can grasp an idea of what you missed. It was a cinematographic cultural event, which permeated through all social spheres of Rocky Point – students, workers, designers, grandparents, children, business leaders, singers, directors, actors, etc.

Of note was the tremendous and absolute enthusiasm in striving to make this “Peñasco’s Red Carpet” at the Municipal Civic Auditorium, for the showing of short films done by students graduating from the First Film Workshop.  All of the aspiring artists and filmmakers shone and, through overwhelming emotion and between smiles and posing for the camera, they owned the night and the optimistic youthful feeling was contagious for all in attendance.

With this in mind, there were a number of prizes and recognitions given to those with outstanding work. Yet, the surprise of the evening was the multi-award winning short “A touch of life” (Un toque de vida) by the team led by Azucena (Suzy) Mazón, which took home 5 awards including best short.

The goal of both the Primera Toma Film Club, and the numerous sponsors and supporters, is clear in ensuring that all felt important and talented, though above all making sure these feelings would not be lost and that this would not just be any other night, but rather the beginning of a tradition in waking up the languid artist we all carry inside.

As one of the many sponsors of the Film Workshop, we would like to express our hearty congratulations to the organizers, teachers, artists, and students who made this Film Premiere possible.  Muchas felicidades!



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