Puerto Peñasco joins fight against cancer

lucha-cancer-oct2014-1-630x541 Puerto Peñasco joins fight against cancerOn October 1st, City Hall was lit up in pink, symbolically joining the struggle against breast cancer which continues to take lives of both men and women across Mexico.

Local DIF President, Mrs. Rafaela Félix de Figueroa, flipped the switch for the lights that will shine over City Hall throughout the month of October.

The lighting ceremony included the presence of George Papanicolaou Accociation, Puerto Peñasco founder Lorenia Soto de Palacio, along with members from the “San Peregrino” cancer support and awareness group presided over by Mrs. Lucía López Montijo, and the “Mujeres Valientes Esforzadas” (Brave Hardworking Women) group, led by Verónica Sánchez.

“This light will serve as a symbol to visualize the health problem cancer represents, and contribute to awareness and above all the importance of preventive steps,” indicated Félix de Figueroa after flipping the switch.

Félix de Figueroa went on, “Life is a commitment we all have, which is why we must take care of ourselves. Both men and women should get timely health check-ups, not putting them off to later, as cancer is curable when detected in time. That is where our commitment is, with prevention.”

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Part of the activities to take place in October in the struggle against cancer include a Walk / Run on Oct. 19th, International Breast Cancer Day, as well as the 9th annual Walk Against Cancer of the local “San Peregrino” Association on Oct. 25th.

Oct 19 –  “Uniting Strengths” Walk / Run  6 p.m.  Starting from the Plaza la Madre (next to baseball stadium)  Registration 100 pesos

Oct. 25 –  9th Annual Walk in the Struggle Against Cancer  4:30 p.m.  departing from Health Center (intersection of Blvd. Juarez and Simon Morua) Ends in Malecón  (9 a.m. Mass at San Francisco Church)

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