Preparations for 2021 Jellyfish season in Golfo de Santa Clara

With hopes for a positive season, preparations are in progress for the 2021 jellyfish season in the Upper Gulf of California.

Carlos Alberto Tirado Pineda, Federation Chair of the Fishermen Cooperatives of the Biosphere Reserve, detailed work is underway with the National Fisheries Institute on projections for this year to determine feasibility of opening the season earlier than programmed.

There was a significant drop in jellyfish yields last year, though sightings of large numbers this year varying in size has created optimism in reviving production.  This is particularly noteworthy given challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, and the U.S. shrimp embargo in effect on the Upper Gulf of California since 2018.

In 2020, jellyfish yields in the Upper Gulf of California fell by at least 75%.  A positive rebound is expected for 2021, with yields above the 50,000 tons reported during the 2018 and 2019 seasons.

Jellyfish capture represents over 8000 direct and indirect jobs in the area, both on land and sea, with the activation of over 500 authorized permits.



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