Peñasco green though Covid cases rise in Sonora

Authorities urge public to continue respecting preventive measures

jan-10-23-mexico-semaforo-1 Peñasco green though Covid cases rise in Sonora

Despite Puerto Peñasco’s recent “green” categorization on the statewide health-risk alert map, Sonora itself has gone back to yellow nationally.  Yolanda Venegas Valdez, epidemiologist for the Sonora Secretary of Health, reported Covid-19 cases are on the rise again locally, statewide, and across Mexico. She detailed from the last week of December to the first week of January, Covid test positivity in the municipality of Puerto Peñasco rose from 20% to 35%.

This is not cause for alarm, clarified Venegas Valdez, as most of these recent cases have not presented serious symptoms nor require hospitalization. She added, the percentage rate is lower when compared to the 80% test positivity rate in August of 2021.

jan-10-16-Sonora-semaforo-1200x1200 Peñasco green though Covid cases rise in Sonora

Vanegas stated the goal is to stop the upward trend in infections with the arrival of the omicron variant, calling on Puerto Peñasco residents and visitors to do their part in complying with all preventive protocols. This includes use of facemasks and hand sanitizer, as well as social distancing, and going to a doctor if symptoms arise to determine if a Covid test is necessary.

The Municipal Health and Safety Board has not met recently to define any updates to local health protocols.  Current protocols include use of facemasks when entering businesses, restaurants, banks, etc., as well as temperature checks at various businesses.



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