Lights! Camera! Action! CitiCinemas to open 6/28 in Rocky Point!

citicinema-defrente-620x412 Lights! Camera! Action! CitiCinemas to open 6/28 in Rocky Point!The local news agency DeFrente took everyone by storm on Facebook this week by posting initial photos of the new CitiCinemas complex in Rocky Point, which is set to hold its inaugural evening on Thursday, June 28th!  The theater promises to offer 6 screens and will surely be a welcome addition to activities in town.  We look forward to more movie news soon!

Cine en Puerto Peñasco

El tan esperado dia ha llegado para los rocaportenses el próximo jueves 28 de Junio, día en que CitiCinemas llevara a cabo la inauguración de sus 6 salas de cine en esta ciudad.



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