City approves ban on plastic bags

When out shopping in Puerto Peñasco, be prepared to have reusable bags readily available as “No Bag Please” (#SinBolsaPorFavor) goes into effect soon.

sin-bolsa-2021 City approves ban on plastic bags

With sights set on raising environmental awareness while caring for our surroundings, the Puerto Peñasco City Council recently approved a ban on the use of plastic bags at commercial business across the city.  The measure, detailed Marcia Ortega Morales, Municipal Director of Ecology and Sustainable Development, will go into effect a month after publication in the Official State Bulletin.

direccion-ecologia City approves ban on plastic bags

Ortega Morales noted businesses will only be able to provide one “t-shirt” plastic bag size, which should be reusable.  She added the city is launching an intensive “No bag please” campaign across the community, along with information to go up at various businesses subject to the new municipal regulation.

While there will be (yet-to-be-defined) fines for businesses that fail to comply with the ban on plastic bags, Ortega Morales detailed the main goal is first to raise awareness and change habits.



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