Photo galleries

Circus Mexicus 2014

The twenty-third edition of Roger Clyne & the Peacemakers Circus Mexicus, held June 5th – 8th in Puerto Peñasco, certainly lived up to its namesake with surprises around every bend. Mystery, intrigue, and peculiar challenges, mixed with a wealth of talent ready to take the stage at any given moment, made for a thrilling roller-coaster […]

Cinemartes XXXV

Organizado por el Cine Club Primera Toma, se proyectaron el corto “Agonia de una mosca sobre alcohol” y “Pink Floyd The Wall”. Al mismo tiempo que la calle Zaragoza, en el Old Port, se vio asaltada por una comunidad de artistas que mostraron su arte a modo de performance grupal, en medio de una convivencia […]