Additional 200 meters certified as Sustainable Clean Beach in Puerto Peñasco

 Puerto Peñasco Convention and Visitors Bureau 

The National Institute of Standardization and Certification determined an additional 200 meters recently certified on Sandy Beach met regulations for maintenance and expansion, thereby certifying a total of 1791 meters of clean and sustainable beach in Puerto Peñasco.

The expanded certification was achieved following an audit of a 266 meter stretch of beach, along with the already certified 1,525 meters. Both areas complied with regulations concerning maintenance and cleanliness, as well as sea water monitoring standards.

Marcia Ortega Morales of the Clean Beach Committee explained with expansion of this stretch, Puerto Peñasco continues to be a tourist destination with one of the longest certified clean beaches in the country.

She also reported this achievement allows for the beach to maintain its level II certification. She furthered there are continued maintenance, cleaning, and preservation efforts on the beaches and coast stretching along the certified area in front of Playa Bonita, Sonoran Sky, Puerta Privada, and Las Palomas Resorts.

Ortega stressed maintaining the status and recognition as a Certified Beach on the national level has been due to the constant work of hotel and resort staff, as well as that of the municipal government with support of non-governmental environmental institutions and schools.

This national recognition as a Clean Beach guarantees safety for tourists and beach visitors who continue to choose Puerto Peñasco as their favorite vacation destination.



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