15 million pesos contemplated for beach improvements

By José Antonio Pérez

Luis César García González, Operational Coordinator for ZOFEMAT (Federal Maritime Land Zone), reported Puerto Peñasco presented the ZOFEMAT Technical Committee with a 15 million peso investment proposal to go toward beach improvement projects.

The funds, he detailed, represent resources yet to be used from income collected from the Federal Zone. The projects aim to further beautify one of Puerto Peñasco’s principal attractions – the beach and its coastal areas. Additional improvements include fully refurbishing the property known as “La Bajada”, or boat launching area, as well as purchase of more beach cleaning equipment in maintaining Peñasco’s sustainable Clean Beach certification.

García González explained these improvement projects are made possible through the timely tax payments of tourism business owners, as well as residents, within the Federal Zone, along with coordinated work between the State and federal government.  He added the projects stem from concerns expressed by those in the fishing and tourism service industries, as well as the need to strengthen and maintain Puerto Peñasco’s coasts.



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