Winter Whale Watching in Puerto Peñasco

One of the natural spectacles offered just off the beaches of Puerto Peñasco is whale watching, which is becoming more frequent from the months of January through March.

This migratory species, traveling from the coasts of Alaska, makes its way to the Sea of Cortez in November to reproduce and then head back out to other destinations as Spring nears.

In the meantime, from the vantage point of various boats as well as on occasion from just off shore, groups and families of whales can be spotted. This is a gift of nature, offering cetacean sightings of fin whales, blue whales, grey whales, humpbacks, and the so called “cachalotes.”

In Puerto Peñasco there are various companies offering tours for families, visitors and residents alike, to take in this beautiful spectacle of the winter season.

Hiram Peña, Deputy Director at the Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans (CEDO) provided some recommendations for boats and those interested in whale watching during this season. He recommends always keeping a considerable distance to prevent startling them, as well as to not hurt them, as well as preventing cutting of their passage (in the case of boats).

If you live in town or ever thought of vacationing here during the Winter season, take advantage of the numerous trips and be witness to this gift that is only provided in spots such as Puerto Peñasco.

2015 Whale Watching options



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