vaquita marina

Endangered Vaquita population estimated at only 8

From 2019 to 2021, the population of the endangered vaquita marina (Phocoena sinus) in the Upper Gulf of California saw a reduction from 11 to just 7 or 8. This, according to information published by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, includes two vaquita calves. This Fall, from Oct. 17th – Nov. 3rd, […]

NGOs across Latin America call for protection of vaquita marina

With only an estimated ten of the endangered vaquita marina left in the Upper Gulf of California, in August thirty-seven environmental organizations from across Latin America called on Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador to halt a July 2021 Agreement published in the Official Journal of the Federation that establishes factors for either partial or […]

Puerto Peñasco: Sea notes

By José Antonio Pérez Hake permits approved for northern Pacific Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER) reported the SubCommittee on Responsible Fishing for the National Consulting Board of Agrofeed Regulations (CCNNA) has unanimously authorized hake fishing for the northern Pacific, with an initial provision of 80 permits for sustainable fishing in the states of […]

Vaquita CPR program suspended

By José Antonio Pérez Following the death of an endangered female vaquita marina porpoise captured last week as part of the Vaquita CPR effort (Conservation, Protection, and Recovery), the Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) announced the program has been suspended until the vaquita’s cause of death is known and protocols are in […]

Avanza rescate de la vaquita marina

Avanza rescate de la vaquita marina; se localizó y rescató un ejemplar de aproximadamente 6 meses de edad Por José Antonio Pérez La localización y rescate de un ejemplar de vaquita marina de aproximadamente 6 meses de edad, fue anunciada con mucho entusiasmo por el secretario de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Rafael Pacchiano Alamán, […]

Operation Vaquita CPR

By José Antonio Pérez Nearly five million dollars have been invested in the first phase of a program aimed at preserving the endangered Vaquita Marina in the Upper Gulf of California.  The effort, entitled “Vaquita CPR” (Conservation, Protection and Reproduction), launched October 11th will run through Nov. 11th, with the goal of locating vaquita in […]

Aplican inversión millonaria para rescate de vaquita marina

Por José Antonio Pérez Alrededor de cinco millones de dólares han sido invertidos –3 mdd por la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Semarnat) y 2 mdd por otras instituciones– en la primera fase del programa de conservación de la Vaquita Marina, “Vaquita CPR (Conservación, Protección y Reproducción)”, cuyo arranque es este miércoles 11 […]

Inicia plan de rescate de vaquita marina con apoyo de delfines

Inauguran Estación Naval de búsqueda, rescate y vigilancia marítima Por José Antonio Pérez El proyecto de localización y rescate de vaquitas marinas mediante el uso de delfines entrenados inició con la inauguración de la Estación Naval de Búsqueda, Rescate y Vigilancia Marítima (Ensar) en San Felipe, Baja California. Las Secretarías de la Marina-Armada de México, […]

Sanctuary to be built in effort to save vaquita marina

By José Antonio Pérez Rafael Pacchiano Alamán, Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources, announced the Mexican government will be investing 4 million dollars into creating a sanctuary for the endangered vaquita marina in the Sea of Cortez.  The official further explained resources will be sought from international specialists to help ensure reproduction of the […]

Leonardo DiCaprio signs petition to save vaquita marina

By José Antonio Pérez / Shandra Keesecker-Rivero In social network messages sent out May 10th, U.S. Oscar winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio expressed his views in there only being an estimated 30 of the endangered vaquita marina in the Upper Gulf of California. With 17.7 million followers, the actor tweeted a message urging Mexican President Enrique […]

Urge WWF veda de redes para proteger a la vaquita marina

Por José Antonio Pérez Quince días separan a la vaquita marina de la extinción o de la supervivencia, advirtieron especialistas del Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza (WWF, por sus siglas en inglés). Este es el tiempo que resta a la prohibición temporal del gobierno mexicano para utilizar redes de enmalle por los pescadores del Golfo […]

Young vaquita marina body found near San Felipe

Despite several efforts to preserve the endangered vaquita marina population in the Upper Gulf of California, the Sea Shepherd non-governmental organization reported finding the small corpse of a vaquita marina newborn along the area known as “Playa Hermosa” located 34 kilometers south of San Felipe, B.C. PROFEPA, the Mexican Federal Environmental Protection agency, will begin […]