rodeo drive

Premian artistas del proyecto “Embellece tu Calle”

Premian a los artistas plásticos que resultaron ganadores con sus murales en el proyecto “embellece tu calle” que dejó lleno de color el área de los Curios camino a la Cholla. Con expectativas superadas se logró este concurso  organizado por Ellie Balderrama en coordinación con Eddie Wharez y Erick Plata que tuvo  como principal motivo  […]

Etapa de votación “Embellece tu Calle” ¡VOTA!

Inicia etapa de votación  vía Facebook del concurso de  “Embellece tu calle”  en el que participan 17 murales de artistas locales. Promovido por la agente de bienes raíces Ellie Balderrama en coordinación con el empresario  Eddie Wharez y Erick Plata esta convocatoria  tiene como fin el embellecer y darle más color al área de locales […]

Voting phase of “Beautify your Street”

The “Beautify your Street” contest along the curios street popularly known as “Rodeo Drive” has begun the voting phase on the 17 murals created by artists who participated in the event. Organized by real estate agent Ellie Balderrama, in coordination with business owner Eddie Wharez and Erick Plata, the project aimed to beautify the area […]

Contest aims to dress up road to La Cholla

In an attempt to fill the “curios” area toward La Cholla with color, “Beautify your Street” organizers invited shopowners and artista to take part in the program set to wrap up on September 6th. Ellie Balderrama, together with Eddie Wharez and Erick Plata of Global Artefacts, came up with the idea with the sole goal […]

City to celebrate Day of the Dead with Altars and Catrinas

In conserving Mexican traditions while promoting community participation in both recreational and cultural activities, the City of Puerto Peñasco invites everyone to a traditional Day of the Dead celebration. Nina Mier, Director of Culture, details the event will take place on days leading up to Mexico’s traditional Day of the Dead, with a series of […]