RP360 Photographers in Traveler magazine

A few years ago, the writer Cristina Rascón visited Puerto Peñasco to lead a writing workshop for a few days…and then stayed on for four months. She was drawn by the environment and wanted to delve in as much as possible.

Now, the September edition of National Geographic Traveler Latin America  features an article by Rascón about Puerto Peñasco. It is a mixture of the frigid environment, melancholy, and discovery from the point of view of a writer seeking to be as faithful as possible to her memory while leaving room for literary license (for example, what she recalls as Blvd. Fremont is actually the renowned Calle 13).

Illustrations for the article were provided by our own Rocky Point 360 photographers, Ariel González and Edwin Peraza. The photos are vibrant and mysterious, of such intensity that it doesn’t appear to be winter.

Ariel’s photos have actually been seen millions of times, not just by those who visit our photo galleries, but rather in other digital and printed means, including many who don’t even know they are his.  His photos have been in numerous publications, posters, designs, and publicity. He is a tried and true photographer!

Edwin Peraza, the most recent member of our team, and a photographer with a clinical eye for just the right click. His photos feed our Instagram and numerous galleries with freshness and settings.  He is also very serious, though fun.

So, this publication is very exciting! To be featured in such a magazine known for both its photographic and literary qualities. I am extremely pleased for them, and for the way their talents came together despite distance. Plus, once more, Peñasco has found a spot on the map!  Congratulations!



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